We've worked hard to make Telegram's English version as smooth as possible in terms of language. Now we're looking for equally smooth translations into the rest of the world's languages. If you're a linguist, pro translator or language geek and would like to help us get closer to perfection, you've come to the right place.
The Interface
It's with telegram possible to chat online through you're webbrowser. There are several websites offering this, functionality. We made a list with available websites below.
- Welcome to the Web application of Telegram messenger. See for more info.
- Pure instant messaging — simple, fast, secure, and synced across all your devices. Over 400 million active users. FAST: Telegram is the fastest messaging app on the market, connecting people via a unique, distributed network of data centers around the globe. SYNCED: You can access your messages from all your devices at once. Start typing on your phone and finish the message from your tablet.
To get started, simply log in, find a phrase in your language that you can improve and suggest a new translation – or vote for an existing suggestion. As soon as your suggestions are reviewed and accepted, the new phrases become immediately available in Telegram apps, no updates required.
Official Translations
We're gradually expanding the list of languages available to all users from the 'Language' menu in their apps. If you would like to help us maintain the official translation to your language on a continuous basis, see this page.
Style Guide
We think a good translation should be:
1. ConsistentThe same things need to have the same names everywhere. Not just within one app, but also on all platforms. Telegram features should have the same names on Android, iOS, Windows and macOS – unless they have to do with platform defaults. For system features, we should always use platform defaults (unless they are truly ugly or don't fit).
We think a good translation should be:
1. ConsistentThe same things need to have the same names everywhere. Not just within one app, but also on all platforms. Telegram features should have the same names on Android, iOS, Windows and macOS – unless they have to do with platform defaults. For system features, we should always use platform defaults (unless they are truly ugly or don't fit).
2. NaturalYou don't have to always stick to the English original. Sometimes it makes more sense to simply describe what the app does in your own language.
But please don't get carried away:
3. DefaultIt's no longer 2001 and our users have seen many other apps. It will be much easier for them to use Telegram if familiar concepts have familiar names here. Whenever you're looking for a word, focus on those that people are used to seeing in relevant context. What does Apple use in this case? What does Google use? What do Telegram's main competitors in your region use?
4. BeautifulUse good language that would make the app look as if it was built in your region. Respect your language's grammar and style where possible. Avoid abbreviations. Try to find ways around gender problems instead of going for things like o(a), unless the workaround looks even more awkward. In most cases it's possible to find a way of saying anything without hurting the language.
5. And it MUST FITThis last one is never easy. Sometimes you need to look to the surrounding phrases and change them for the problematic phrase to fit and work.
An example: the German team couldn't make the secret chats description fit into the lines on an empty chat page. The English text says: 'A user has invited you to a secret chat. Secret chats:' then comes a list that has this item: 'use end-to-end encryption'. The maximum length for the list items is 25 characters. The problem with German is that the term for end-to-end encryption is 'Ende-zu-Ende Verschlüsselung' and is 28 characters long even without the 'use'. An anglicized version would have been 'End-to-end Verschlüsselung' — but it's still too long at 26 characters.
The German team found a workaround. They went and changed the first phrase, so that it now says 'A user has invited you to an end-to-end encrypted secret chat. Secret chats:' and then they came up with a new list item to replace the E2E encryption one, which was moved to the top - where there was enough room.
What we're looking for is not just linguistic, but also typographic and aesthetic correctness. The text is inseparable from design. Text is design and we need to make sure it works. So approach the text as a magazine editor would:
- Everything must fit into its allotted space. So always check in-app after editing. Words and phrases that are too long will be automatically cut (Like thi…) or contracted (Li…is) — we can't allow this to happen. In other cases the text may flow over into the next line.
- The text should ideally be kept from spreading over two lines where the original only has one line.
- Same with double lines, try to avoid letting them spread into triple lines. Although this is a less strict requirement — it isn't too bad if you let the double-line descriptions in Settings become triple lined.
- We need to avoid hanging words when there's just one or two words left on a new line.
- We need to avoid gaps in the text, for example when the top right space is empty before the line break. A good way of avoiding this is to use shorter words, so that they wrap more easily. When short words are not an option, put your long ones at the beginning of the line, then add short words as padding.
- There will be times when making things fit will seem impossible. Our experience shows that it never is. Several determined people focusing on a word and the phrases around it will always find a solution after a few weeks, or even earlier. After all, it's just words.
This takes some effort, but it really makes you feel proud when you're done.
Applied Typography
On the whole, we've worked hard to make the English version as typographically sound as possible. So as a rule of thumb, if your phrase is the same length as the English one, it will fit well. If it is shorter — not too much of a problem, but beware of hanging words and gaps.
Note for iPhone Plus users: When checking strings in-app, try iOS Settings > Display & Brightness > View > 'Zoomed'. Using this mode you can make sure that strings will fit the screens of the narrower models. Google roblox free hats.
Telegram Online Web Version
And that‘s about it. Let's bring perfection to the localized versions of Telegram, together.
Online registration in Telegram (Web) and communication with friends
The Telegram messenger has its own versions for all popular platforms: Windows, OSX, Linux, Android, iOS, etc. The messenger is also included into the browser version – Telegram Web. It does not require downloading and installing – just follow the link and register in it. The registration process is the same for all platforms. Click here for more detailed information: registration in Telegram.
- There is the Secret Chat mode where it is possible to enable a self-destruct timer;
- You may sign in to your account using any device, as all data are stored in the Cloud Storage;
- Transmission of messages and files of any size;
- You can create group chats with a possibility of connecting up to 20 000 users;
- All it takes is a mobile phone number.
How it works
This messenger has both a variety of pros and several cons, as well as the other ones.
- The usage of a small amount of Internet traffic for sending text messages;
- All the messenger`s services and features are free;
- No Ads.
Telegram Online Web Version Software
Log Into My Telegram Account
- No integrated catalogue of bots, channels, chats and games;
- There is no possibility of arranging video conferences.